Nabend zusammen,
habe mir noch einmal den Code angeschaut und ihn elementarer gemacht.
Leider geht es immer noch nicht.
Mein File zum Paging sieht jetzt so aus:
#include <kernel32.h>
#include <memory/mmu.h>
#include <memory/pmmu.h>
//internal methods
void map_pages(physaddr_t , virtaddr_t , cond_flags , size_t);
void directory_init();
void printReserved(int , int);
//methods from the asm-file
extern void _write_cr3(dword);
extern void _write_cr0(dword);
extern dword _read_cr0();
extern dword _read_cr3();
page_table_t directory;
extern dword bitmap_length;
extern dword *bitmap_virt;
void paging_init(){
size_t param;
//initialize the directory
//map the kernel
param = ((dword)kernel_end - (dword)kernel_start) / BLOCK_SIZE;
map_pages(kernel_start , kernel_mem_start , PAGE_READWRITE | PAGE_PRESENT , param);
//map the video
param = 80 * 25 * 2 / BLOCK_SIZE + 1;
map_pages((physaddr_t)0xB8000 , (virtaddr_t)0xB8000 , PAGE_READWRITE | PAGE_PRESENT , param);
//map the directory
map_pages(directory , directory , PAGE_READWRITE | PAGE_PRESENT , 1);
//map the bitmap
param = bitmap_length / BLOCK_SIZE;
map_pages(bitmap_virt , bitmap_virt , PAGE_READWRITE | PAGE_PRESENT , param);
_write_cr0((_read_cr0() | 0x80000000));
void directory_init(){
size_t i;
directory = phys_alloc(TABLE_SIZE * sizeof(page_table_t) / BLOCK_SIZE);
memset(directory , 0 , TABLE_SIZE);
void map_pages(physaddr_t paddr , virtaddr_t vaddr , cond_flags flags , size_t size){
size_t i , offset = ((dword)vaddr >> SHIFT_PAGE) % TABLE_SIZE;
page_table_t table;
dword phys_addr;
if(size >= TABLE_SIZE - offset){
//TODO: change parameters
if(directory[(dword)vaddr >> SHIFT_DIRECTORY] == NULL){
puts("Generating new table\n");
//prepare the table
table = phys_alloc(TABLE_SIZE * sizeof(page_table_t) / BLOCK_SIZE);
memset(table , 0 , TABLE_SIZE);
//register in the directory
directory[(dword)vaddr >> SHIFT_DIRECTORY] = (dword)table | PAGE_PRESENT | PAGE_READWRITE;
table = (page_table_t)directory[(dword)vaddr >> SHIFT_DIRECTORY];
for(i = 0; i <= size; i++){
phys_addr = (dword)paddr + i * BLOCK_SIZE;
table[offset + i] = phys_addr | flags;
Habe immer noch keine Ahnung woran das liegt.
Die Berechnung müsste ja an sich stimmen.
Seht ihr nun vllt den Fehler?
Stimmt meine Theorie überhaupt, dass ich einfach nur die Offset-Adresse berechne und Dann in meinem Array einfach solange hoch zählen muss, bis alles gemappt ist, was im physischen Speicher liegt?